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Voices is a collection of 44 poems, a creative expression centred on stories of shared experiences, running like a line from the beginning to the end and progressing from general to personal stories.

SKU: pm/2019/12/002 Category:


Voices is a collection of 44 poems, a creative expression centred on stories of shared experiences, running like a line from the beginning to the end and progressing from general to personal stories. The book begins with the struggle for meaning and hope of the average Nigerian amidst desperate economic and in three poems dissects the political and socio-economic structure by dwelling on the Nigerian polity and the insecurity that plagues the Nation. The poet goes further to linger on the indefatigable spirit of enterprise of the Nigerian people together with their social life, culture and food while in the same breath exploring the beauty of the green land from the North, South, East and West of Nigeria.
The poems explore topics bordering on hope, depression, trauma, corruption, patience, peer pressure, societal decadence, loss and heartbreak, murder among others through this artistic medium of poetic storytelling in an attempt to unveil an unbiased depiction of the Nigerian reality, society and language. The ‘Yoruba’ language is employed in bits and pieces throughout the work in a bid to accentuate the culture and tradition of a Nigerian indigenous tribe, its cultural heritage and undying tradition imparting wisdom in the aged and young alike.
Sensitive gender issues of rape, abuse, and defilement of minors are equally explored in this work exposing these vices. Societal decadence and juvenile delinquency are woven into the fabric of this collection of delicately poignant poems together with sensitive issues of depression and suicide. This collection of poems seeks to uncover the truth in an attempt at societal reform by exposing the consequences of the actions of one person on another and in fact, the entire human tapestry.
The poet in this book addresses the issue of climate change and flood as it affects those living on the islands and coasts. The melody of music as it colours our existence is not left out. This collection borders on various topics which justifies the title, “Voices”. A storybook in its own right.
The book ends with poems significant of new birth and regeneration knowing how one generation births the next. Voices is not all gloom and doom, this collection also unveils the fine spirit of undying determination embedded in the very core of the average Nigerian together with the beauty and comeliness of the Nigerian aesthetic landscape. It is imperative for future generations and indeed the present alike to find their own voice, our survival is hinged on this singular truth.
A complete work of art, line by line, spectrum after spectrum, contrast by contrast. Voices is more than a creative expression, it is an exploration, a philosophy and a collective reality.


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