It hunts sanity
like a crazed pride of desperately starved lions
on hunt for prey
launching verocious attack
on body, bone, biscuit bone and brain
at one fell swoop,
but this will to live is strong;
iron and stainless
On the lane of the sane
but for how long will the sane remain so and same?
It is as biting as a score of vengeful mosquitoes on an ill mannered host;
situate ever so close to green still water.
It burns, passionately,
like the unwelcome romance of the midday sun in the Sahara
leaving in its wake, desert without green or water
How long will the sane remain so and same?
When change is but old wives tales
by moonlight and we watch,
seemingly helplessly as this fragile foetus is forcefully flushed
away by a repugnant order which will not benefit
swiftly from new birth
The cycle is repeated
again and again –
conception and death
like an ever constant circumference
How long will the sane remain so and same?
when pedalled propaganda
matter most
even more so, than an actual rebirth of hope
and how long will the sane remain so and same?
when the sacred sea source of all
is defiled for the sake of offspring’s of sect
the forsaken are as countless
as drops in seas
A land of green and a fair flowing river
makes the sane remain so and same